Where there are concerns that a pupil is not making progress in key areas of learning, further assessments will take place and, as required there will be discussions with key staff to plan for additional support to be in place and the outcomes expected from this intervention.   You will be invited to contribute to these discussions. Consideration of other circumstances will be taken into account to decide if difficulties are due to special needs or other factors.

We know how important it is to include the views of each pupil in seeking to review what is going well and how they can be supported. If appropriate your child will be invited to take part in reviews. If this is not appropriate, we will use other ways to share their successes and plan for future support.

Difficulties in relation to social and emotional wellbeing may also trigger a need for additional support.

Targets and actions to help your child overcome any difficulties will be carefully recorded by the school in a personal SEND Support Plan. This will take into account your child’s strengths as well as areas of difficulty. It will identify ways in which you can contribute to support good progress.

Parents/Carers will be invited to review the SEND Support Plans at least 3 times a year. New targets will be agreed, along with the identification of the responsibilities of the parent, the pupil and the school.

In some cases, it may be necessary to increase or change the nature and level of support to help your child to make progress. This may involve seeking help and advice from a range of specialist agencies such as the Educational Psychologist Services or Speech and Language Service.  A referral for support from an outside agency will only be made with your consent.

When appropriate, the SENDCO may also suggest seeking further support and funding from the Locality SEND Support initiative. This will provide earlier and better targeted help and support to SEND youngsters. (For further information please see: Locality SEND Support (LSS) – Quest Primary) This will enable our special needs staff to work closely with our partner schools to quickly get the necessary support and help for students who are beginning to demonstrate that they have additional needs which can’t be met through our own school SEND resources.

If, despite increased level and nature of support, it is evident that the severity and complexity of your child’s needs require provision beyond that can be offered by our own resources a request for an Education Health Care Plan may be requested.

The SENDCO will explain this process to you and show you how to find out more information about this. They will also share details of parent support organisations who can offer further support as required.