In the first instance you should speak to your child’s class teacher. Opportunities are made to speak to the class teacher every day after school or contact the school office to make an appointment
Depending on the nature of the concern the SENDCO and other senior leaders may attend this meeting or subsequent meeting.
If you are still unhappy and feel matters are unresolved and we feel that we are fulfilling our duties in respect to your child, we will recommend you seek further advice from the local SENDIAS (SEN Information and Advice) and Mediation Services This service is not linked to the school.
The school can also make arrangements for parents to discuss concerns with other key professionals such as the educational psychologist.
If your concerns are still unresolved we will advise you to make a formal complaint and direct you to the School Complaints Procedures on the website.
If your concern is directly related to decisions around an EHC plan assessment of needs or provision this will be managed directly by the Croydon SEN team. Parents will be contacted directly by the service to receive information about the mediation services and other action you may consider.