The school works with a number of external agencies to seek advice and support to ensure that the needs of all children are fully understood and met. These include:

Agency What they offer?
Educational Psychology Service

Our attached Educational Psychologist is: Juliette Daniel

Depending on the concerns raised in the form, the Educational Psychologist can work in different ways.  Sometimes she will work with the teacher, sometimes with school staff and the family together. Some of the activities they do are listed below:

□   Observation

□   Consultation with staff

□   Consultation with parents

□   Learning skills assessment

□   Cognitive assessment

□   Assessment of social, emotional and behavioural issues

□   Joint school/ family meeting

□   Writing advice/agency referrals

□   Developing a behaviour plan

□   Setting up and reviewing IEPs

□   Developing strategies

□   Home visit

□   Attendance at annual review

□   Training / INSET

□   Group work


Chaffinch Brook outreach Support


They will observe pupils in school and offer advice to support the pupil and staff.


Red Gates Outreach Support


They will observe pupils in school and offer advice to support the pupil and staff.

Speech and Language Therapy


They will run advice clinics for pupils who the school and parents have raised concerns. They will then complete an initial assessment and provide the school and parent with a care plan with advice and targets. They model the targets to staff to be practised at home and school.

Occupational Therapist


OT provide general advice leaflets on their website: Referrals can be made by parents or carers, schools and other professionals. Parents are encouraged to access the primary school leaflets and provide the evidence sheets when making a referral. If there is enough evidence, OT will complete an initial assessment and provide the school and parent with a care plan with advice and targets. They model the targets to staff to be practised at home and school. They will advise on specialist equipment to be used in school



Mental Health support Team who will screen pupils for possible ASD or ADHD and deliver an 8-week 1:1 intervention for parents, on managing anxiety or challenging behaviour. They can also run a transition course for year 6 pupils, provide a link with our local CAMHS team and work directly with children aged 11 and over

CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)


Croydon CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) offer assessment and evidence-based treatment to children and adolescents and their families who have a moderate to severe mental health disorder.

Early Help Team


The family solutions service will work closely with internal and external services and agencies to provide the most appropriate response to children and families co-ordinated through a lead professional (family key worker) in the family solutions service.

School Nursing


The School Nursing Team work with children who have medical issues or who need health assessments.

Family Hub


The Family Hub is based at Woodlands Children’s Centre (on the same site as Quest Primary) and staff there can help with housing advice, supporting parents to apply for jobs, and support groups for parents of children with SEND.

The full range of local support available to support your child both within and outside of school can be found in the Croydon Local Offer for pupils with SEN: