When moving to secondary school:


Our SENDCO will make contact with the Year 7 leader or SENDCO once a school has been named to start planning for transition.

Multi-agency meetings maybe arranged to create a more […]

When moving to secondary school:2023-10-04T20:43:09+01:00

When moving between classes and phases:


An information sharing meeting will take place with the receiving teacher.

If appropriate there will be opportunities for your child to visit the new class and meet the teacher and other […]

When moving between classes and phases:2023-10-04T20:42:43+01:00

When moving to another school:


We will contact the School SENDCO and share information about special arrangements and support that has been made to help your child achieve their learning goals

We will sure that all […]

When moving to another school:2023-10-04T20:42:24+01:00
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