ELP1 – Explorers

Our Quest Primary Learning Behaviours help us achieve greatness every day in our own learning and personal development, by replicating some of the traits that great explorers like Peake demonstrate. These are:

  • To be curious about what we are learning and why
  • To have a thirst for discovering new knowledge
  • To show courage and challenge ourselves when we are learning
  • To persevere with our goals and never give up
  • To have the resilience to overcome obstacles that we encounter in our work
  • To be determined in everything we do
  • To believe in ourselves and what we can achieve.

Half Termly Curriculum Overviews


Our Quest Primary Houses are:





Each class collects house points which are each worth one ‘mile’. Each house competes to earn the most miles and be the house that can complete the quest to travel the furthest around the world by the end of the school year. House points are earned for fulfilling our Quest Primary values of Excellence, Responsibility and Aspiration and allow us to be recognised for the fantastic work and learning we do, and attitudes we have.